Chester Creek is best known for its
Children's mice and its
large-key keyboards.
VisionBoard and
VisionBoard 2 feature huge, bold, easy-to-read lettering on a key that is a full inch across. This keyboard is perfect for individuals who suffer from vision and/or motor impairments. You can see below how easy it is to read the legend. Notice also that the keys are sufficiently large and spaced so that even users with arthritis or impairments that cause shaking can use these keyboards. We now offer our VisionBoards in a
wireless model, to make them even more portable, adaptable, and usable. For users who have an especially difficult time hitting the correct key or hitting only one key at a time, we also offer the
KeyGuard, making every key stroke a bullseye.
What many of our consumers don't realize is that our VisionBoard has a younger brother, the
ReaderBoard. The ReaderBoard is the perfect solution for individuals who work in low light or suffer from slight to moderate vision impairment. The ReaderBoard has the same layout and key size as a standard keyboard, making a switch absolutely seamless. What sets it apart from standard keyboards (apart from that stylish design, of course) is that the ReaderBoard features a legend 250% the size of a standard keyboard. I'd like you to take a moment now to look at the keyboard you're using now. See the letters, numbers, and commands? How much of the key do they take up? I'm guessing about one quarter - maybe they're in the top left corner of the key, like my laptop. The ReaderBoard's labels fill the entire key with bold white lettering, so you can read it whether you're working late in low light, getting a jump start before the sun is shining in the window, or even when you just don't feel like grabbing your reading glasses.

That's the beauty of the ReaderBoard. For many individuals, standard keyboards can be hard to read. This doesn't mean those users need or want to transition to a large-key keyboard. Chester Creek has created a middle ground. With thousands of Boomers reaching the "mature-but-not-old-yet" stage, the ReaderBoard, or the BoomerBoard as we like to call it, is the perfect solution. There's no reason you need to wear reading glasses just to use a computer or transition to a large-key keyboard just because the tiny letter on a standard board strain your eyes in certain light. As always, you can rely on Chester Creek to be working on bringing you exactly what you need for every stage of your life From toddling to school to work and to retirement, we're there for you.
(Don't forget to check out our
Wireless Mice to match the Vision Boards and our super-comfortable
ReaderMouse to match the ReaderBoard.)