This work week started with a short adventure at Chester Creek. Jim, owner/entrepeneur/businessman/etc. decided it would be nice to be able to send out personal Holiday cards or emails this year. And we should take a picture of the staff. And it should have something to do with Duluth, because we are a local small business in a very unique location. So we piled in a couple vehicles and drove to Coppertop Church.
This is a local landmark, a big Methodist Church on top of the hill. Duluth is a loing, narrow city, sprawled along the lakeshore, and Coppertop is more or less in the middle. This morning, because it was so cold (ten below), there were billows of fog gusting around on the lake. It was really very pretty with a boat coming in. This is (probably) the boat we saw this morning. It is called the Hero, and it is from Malta.
Here is one last picture of the Lake, a bit warmer now in the afternoon and with less fog.

You can watch the ships coming into the harbor in real time by clicking here.
It was nice to be out and about, but it sure was cold today!
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